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PA Museums

Pennsylvania's Statewide Museum Association

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Membership is the lifeblood of PA Museums and our pride as a relevant and engaging presence. Our association is neither a museum nor a state agency. We rely upon the support of our members to provide the funding for our operations, and we likewise count on our program registration to support the work of the organization. Your membership in PA Museums supports advocacy work, conference programming, our communications, and our annual awards program.

We need your membership, and we appreciate the support  of a broad community in these efforts. Museums and historical organizations, firms that do business with museums or in our communities, and individuals who see value in a strong professional network for statewide cultural work are encouraged to join us.

Institutional Membership:
Open to museums and historical organizations in Pennsylvania or serving Pennsylvania.

PA Museums’ memberships are annual and based upon an organization’s operational budget size.

  • $475  for  organizational budgets of $5,000,000 or greater
  • $350 for organizational budgets from $1,000,000 – $4,999,999
  • $275 for organizational budgets from $250,000 – $999,999
  • $150  for organizational budgets from $100,000-$249,000
  • $95 for organizational budgets from $25,001-$99,999
  • $60 for organizational budgets of $25,000 or less

Membership benefits include:

  • Subscription to all our communications for all institutional staff, volunteers, and board
  • Discount on Annual Conference registration
  • Discount on workshop registration
  • Inclusion on PA Museums’ website Museum Directory
  • Eligibility to be nominated for PA Museums’ Special Achievement Awards
  • Networking opportunities
  • Advocacy

Business Membership:
Open to those consultants, corporations and organizations that serve museums and historical organizations in Pennsylvania.

PA Museums’ business memberships are annual and based upon a company’s number of employees.

  • $75 for companies with 2 or fewer employees
  • $150 for companies with 3-10 employees
  • $500 for companies with 10 or more employees

Business Membership benefits include:

  • Subscription to all our communications for all employees
  • Discount on Annual Conference registration
  • Opportunities to gain exposure through conference sponsorship
  • Discount on workshop registration
  • One introductory email blast
  • One free ad
  • Opportunities to purchase website, newsletter, or program ads.
  • A copy of PA Museum’s mailing list
  • Networking opportunities

Individual Membership:
Open to all those who support and care about Pennsylvania’s museums and historical organizations.

PA Museums individual memberships are annual.

Individual Membership Levels:

  • $15 Student Membership (w/ valid student ID)
  • $25 Individual who works for an organization that is an Institutional Member
  • $35 Individual
  • $50 Contributing Individual

Individual membership benefits include:

  • Subscription to all our communications
  • Discount on Annual Conference registration
  • Discount on Workshop registration
  • Networking opportunities

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*Street Address
Membership Type
Prospective Member
Membership Level
Date Joined
Expiration Date
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*Amount ($USD)
Payment frequency

PA Museums

Who we are

PA Museums is Pennsylvania’s statewide trade association serving museum professionals and institutions. Based in Harrisburg, PA Museums was founded in 1905.

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