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PA Museums

Pennsylvania's Statewide Museum Association

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About PA Museums and Wild Apricot

PA Museums is Pennsylvania's statewide trade association serving museum professionals, institutions, and businesses that work primarily with museums. Based in Harrisburg, PA Museums was founded in 1905. 

Wild Apricot is web-based software for small associations like ours to help us manage our membership and provide a framework for other activities. 

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Become a member

Membership is the lifeblood of PA Museums and our pride as a relevant and engaging presence. Our association is neither a museum nor a state agency. We rely upon the support of our members to provide the funding for our operations, and we likewise count on our program registration to support the work of the organization. Your membership in PA Museums supports advocacy work, conference programming, our communications, and our annual awards program.

We need your membership, and we appreciate the support  of a broad community in these efforts. Museums and historical organizations, firms that do business with museums or in our communities, and individuals who see value in a strong professional network for statewide cultural work are encouraged to join us.

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PA Museums

Who we are

PA Museums is Pennsylvania’s statewide trade association serving museum professionals and institutions. Based in Harrisburg, PA Museums was founded in 1905.

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